Quiz: How TwiHard Are You?
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Quiz: How TwiHard Are You?
von Bella18 am 24.05.2009 14:28
1. What does November 20, 2009 mean?
* Um, my grandma's birthday?
* I know it's near Thanksgiving...
* New Moon being released, duh!
2. You plan to name your future child...
* Anything that sounds cool.
* Edward or Bella
* Renesmee
3. How many times have you seen the first movie?
* Like once or twice, maybe. Don't remember.
* More than a couple of times.
* I'm trying to set the record!
4. Would you put in contacts to look like a Cullen?
* OK, that's going too far.
* Well, maybe they wouldn't look so bad.
* Where do I get them?!?
5. 100 Monkeys is...
* Way too many to fit in a barrel.
* The sequel to Breaking Dawn?
* Jackson Rathbone's band, of course!
6. Who said "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb?"
* Some narrator on the Discovery Channel
* Bella
* Edward
* Um, my grandma's birthday?
* I know it's near Thanksgiving...
* New Moon being released, duh!
2. You plan to name your future child...
* Anything that sounds cool.
* Edward or Bella
* Renesmee
3. How many times have you seen the first movie?
* Like once or twice, maybe. Don't remember.
* More than a couple of times.
* I'm trying to set the record!
4. Would you put in contacts to look like a Cullen?
* OK, that's going too far.
* Well, maybe they wouldn't look so bad.
* Where do I get them?!?
5. 100 Monkeys is...
* Way too many to fit in a barrel.
* The sequel to Breaking Dawn?
* Jackson Rathbone's band, of course!
6. Who said "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb?"
* Some narrator on the Discovery Channel
* Bella
* Edward
Mach den Test auf: 4tnz
♥♥♥ Sleep my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep my only Love.♥♥♥
♥♥♥~Mitglied im~♥♥♥
…and so the lion fell in Love (♥) with the Lamb
MyFanfiction <3
Twilightist nicht nur ein Buch,
Twilight ist eine Lebenseinstellung.
Edward's Bella