Nikki Reed Spills New Moon Deets!

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Nikki Reed Spills New Moon Deets!

von Bella18 am 24.05.2009 14:23

Ugh. Is November here yet?

That's when the highly anticipated Twilight sequel New Moon comes out (of course). And MTV caught up with star Nikki Reed (Rosalie) to grill her about what to expect. Sing it, sister!

"The Cullens aren't really in the second book and the studio was trying to stay true to the books," she told MTV News. Yeah, blah, blah, blah.

What we REALLY want to know is what up with*SPOILER ALERT: DON'T READ ON IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOKS* Bella's crazy 18th-birthday scene (which gets a little graphic).

"[There isn't] that much [blood], believe it or not," Nikki revealed."Unless they plan on adding stuff in on post [production]. But I think that's the whole point is that we don't need a massive amount of blood to get feisty."

Riiiiiight. Who DOES? All we usually need is some Pepsi and a bag of Cheetohs.

Oh yeah: One other major thing Nikki spilled... the cast is going to reunite around August 17 to start filming the THIRD flick Eclipse. Woo hoo! Mark your calendars TwiHards!


Sorry, aber ich habe keine Zeit zum Übersetzen...

♥♥♥ Sleep my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep my only Love.♥♥♥
♥♥♥~Mitglied im~♥♥♥

…and so the lion fell in Love (♥) with the Lamb

MyFanfiction <3

Twilightist nicht nur ein Buch,
Twilight ist eine Lebenseinstellung.

Edward's Bella;-)

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 24.05.2009 14:24.

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