Gold vs Blue (tint of the movies)

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Gold vs Blue (tint of the movies)

von Bella18 am 04.06.2009 21:52

Gold vs Blue

With the official New Moon trailer having now been released and a few movie stills something seems a little different. What seems different? The tint. Twilight had a very blue tint and now New Moon has a golden tint. The images below show you the difference. What do you guys think? Is it good or bad, will it help the movie?

♥♥♥ Sleep my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep my only Love.♥♥♥
♥♥♥~Mitglied im~♥♥♥

…and so the lion fell in Love (♥) with the Lamb

MyFanfiction <3

Twilightist nicht nur ein Buch,
Twilight ist eine Lebenseinstellung.

Edward's Bella;-)


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