Cast "Dinner" in Italien

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Cast "Dinner" in Italien

von Bella18 am 28.05.2009 22:49

Robert and Kristen Reunited For Dinner in Italy
Robert Pattinson headed to Montepulciano, Italy, after his trip to Cannes. He was back together with Kristen Stewart, who skipped the film festival, following their time together in Vancouver working on New Moon. Rob and Kristen sat down for a dinner yesterday with members of the movie's cast and crew as they prepare to continue working in Europe.


New Moon sweethearts Kristen Stewart, Ashley Green & Dakota Fanning lunched together at a restaurant in Montepulciano, Italy on Monday afternoon. They enjoyed red wine and cigarettes, while Kristen made a rude gesture to..

..photographers. On what she's looking forward to about playing Joan Jett: All
of it. It's a big job. I've never played a real person before. I've played parts that were very personal for a lot of people. On this one, there's the personal..

..responsibility for the character and there is also somebody who this means so much to. That period of her life was so important for her. It kick started her whole career. Like everything that she cares about and loves.

It's very important, so I'm nervous and intimidated but that's like the best way to feel before you do a movie. I'm excited about the music. I excited about Dakota playing Cheri Currie. It's intense. I'm going to cinematically de-flower Dakota Fanning. Photos: INF, Ciao Pix.


:arrow:Wie schon gesagt... ich habe leider keine Zeit zum übersetzen... sorry...

♥♥♥ Sleep my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep my only Love.♥♥♥
♥♥♥~Mitglied im~♥♥♥

…and so the lion fell in Love (♥) with the Lamb

MyFanfiction <3

Twilightist nicht nur ein Buch,
Twilight ist eine Lebenseinstellung.

Edward's Bella;-)

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 01.06.2009 18:02.

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