Stars A~Z

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Re: Stars A~Z

from Ashley.Greene on 05/31/2009 04:35 PM

Oprah Winfrey.



29, female

Admin Team Edward Alice Ehrenmitglieder Edward Rosalie Emmett Esme Jasper Bella Carlisle Bella&Edward Alice&Jasper

Posts: 256

Re: Stars A~Z

from Bella18 on 06/01/2009 07:18 PM

Pattinson Robert!!! <3 <3 <3

♥♥♥ Sleep my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep my only Love.♥♥♥
♥♥♥~Mitglied im~♥♥♥

…and so the lion fell in Love (♥) with the Lamb

MyFanfiction <3

Twilightist nicht nur ein Buch,
Twilight ist eine Lebenseinstellung.

Edward's Bella;-)


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Re: Stars A~Z

from Ashley.Greene on 06/02/2009 02:32 PM

Quentin Tarantino.



30, female

Alice Ehrenmitglieder Team Switzerland

Posts: 57

Re: Stars A~Z

from Bells on 08/12/2009 09:47 PM

Robert Pattinson :D

...cause only a Vampire can love you forever... When you can live forever what di you live for? "You held your hand and I took it without thinking about making sense. The first time in nearly one century I felt hope..."(Jasper Withlock Hale)

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